State of Mississippi - IT Hardware 3760 Express Products List

Professional Products Division IT Hardware Express Products List
EPL Expiration Date:
September 30, 2024

The purchase limit is $200,000 per project per fiscal year (July - June) for the IT Hardware EPL without additional approval from ITS. Regardless of the dollar limit, the customer MUST obtain quotations from two or more EPL Sellers. Any entity using this EPL must abide by the current published IT Hardware EPL 3760 Instructions for Use document even if the entity is not under ITS purview.

List of Authorized Resellers
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Download Current Price List

Mississippi EPL 3760
Valid through November 30, 2023

Mark Aultman 322X322 Image

For more information, please contact:

Mark Aultman
Planar Regional Account Manager
(205) 616-2353